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New research shows automation can make ads more meaningful, not less

Automation can make ads more meaningful, in real time, at scale. In this article, Katie Herskovitz, Google ads research & insights manager shares his findings.
ads more meaningful

While marketers understand that personalisation is key, for most of them personalisation at scale is an issue. One of the main reasons for this is that some marketers understand that automation and personalisation are mutually exclusive concepts. It is not quite like that any more.

To see how automation can make connections with people and why it works, Google recently conducted a research series called Rethinking Readiness.

In this interesting article, Katie Herskovitz, ads research and insights manager at Google, shares the research findings.

15% increase in purchase intent in ad content tailored to be meaningful compared to ads with basic personalization.

The research makes it clear that automation can help marketers deliver deep meaning, with time- and cost-efficiency and at scale. Moreover, ads that were highly meaningful triggered very little negative reaction. 

This leads to the conclusion that “when ads are genuinely helpful, consumers see the conversion of their preferences into value.

As a result, they feel pleasantly surprised and understood, and those feelings translate into greater expressed intent to buy now and greater brand love and trust for the future.”

Read more: New research shows automation can make ads more meaningful, not less

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